Filed under the category of “there is never enough hours in the day”, I’ve finally managed to update two events that are coming up fairly soon for BCKA members! First up is the return of the White Rock Wind, Water, Waves Festival, however this year it’s on a different weekend, May 21 – 22nd. We have some great invited flyers coming up and with a little luck, we’ll get gorgeous weather as well! For further information, see :
And coming up not long after that one is the (insert number here) Annual Pacific Rim Kite Festival. Held at Vanier Park, just behind the HR MacMillan Planetarium, this event is always a huge amount of fun, with workshops, teddy bear drops, Rok battles and demonstrations by Ray Bethell and iQuad (which is full of BCKA members these days!) Further information can be found here :
Last but not least, and the soonest, is the Spring Sewing for Summer Soaring workshops held over in Parksville, May 7 -8 . There are still a FEW spaces left for this, further information can be found here :
Best breezes!